As dusk fell upon the land, and the lights in the shanties and the sparse street lamps begun to shine against the cold windy night sky, the ladies of the night would begin to come out and in front of their shanties, wearing elaborate make-up, and short skimpy dresses to highlight what they were advertising to the world.
On this night, Ruth too had come out of her own shanty. It was custom for the women to mingle under the white rays of the street lamps as they waited for business, with whomever and wherever that might be. Ruth looked a bit lost among the other women, her head wound still occasionally aching, she had roused herself from her previous harrowing experience and determined to get ahead in life. And yet, she could never fully move beyond it, and it had felt for her as though her life had shifted for the worse since then.
Try as she had, Ruth had failed to make ends meet. With the hospital bills that racked up and fighting hard to not let that burden fall on Isaac's shoulders, she had bore that pain and hardship on her own shoulders. And, when listening to the women near her and how they were able to provide for themselves, she had become convinced that through this work, she would take care of herself and her needs, and maybe send some money to Isaac as well. And as Ruth stepped out into that windy cold night, she had no idea what to expect.